
Among the materials currently available in the market, silicone is considered one of the best electrical insulators. Its composition provides these materials with specific properties that allow products developed with silicone to perform effectively in the electrical industry.


In our laboratories, our professionals who work in the development area have the expertise and experience required to deliver the best solutions, monitoring the entire process from beginning to end.

For this market, Kinner develops mooring rings, insulators, and covers that withstand electric currents and are highly resistant to temperature variations and weather conditions, ensuring the necessary security for the industry and the quality our customers need.


Electrical insulators are a trend in the market. Their cost-effectiveness and high potential to insulate energy provide different industries with a practical, cheap, and safe solution.

In Kinner, they are developed following the highest standards and have the necessary characteristics for their function, such as resistance to energy, temperature variation, and bad weather.

Mooring Rings

A widely used solution in the market for fixing the phase or messenger conductor for spacers and polymeric insulators.

Among its main benefits, we can mention its excellent mechanical properties, electric tracking, UV rays and bad weather, ease, and functionality in installation and handling.

Benefits of Kinner´s Silicone Mooring Rings

  • Excellent mechanical characteristics
  • Resistance to electrical tracking
  • UV and weather resistant
  • Functional and easy installation

Silicone Conductor Rods

Conductor rods are terminals for electric motors, machines, or any part that needs physical reinforcement or dielectric strength.

Silicone Conductor

  • Excellent mechanical characteristics
  • Resistance to electrical tracking
  • Resistant to UV rays and weathering
  • Functional and easy installation

fornecedor de etiquetas adesivas

fornecedor de etiquetas adesivas

Entre em contata com a Light Print, fornecedor de etiquetas adesivas de alta qualidade, com inúmeras certificações dentre as principais áreas do segmento.


Need to develop silicon solutions for your company? Contact us!


Contact us by phone, at our address or by sending a message.

Tel: (11) 4823-9700

Endereço: Rod. Índio Tibiriçá, 2.503 – Km 53 – Ouro Fino Paulista Ribeirão Pires-SP – CEP: 09442-000

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